Friday, February 24, 2012


 Not to be dramatic or a hypochondriac or anything but I believe I have a disease that has not been discovered yet. Or perhaps it has, but I haven't had much time for watching the news or reading the paper lately. I also try not to google medical issues because that just leads to further panic. So, my unofficially diagnosed, perhaps undiscovered disease may or may not actually exist. It is, without a doubt, more of a psychological disease rather than a physical one but those two are never mutually exclusive.

So consider that A is ... , I'm stopping myself. Although this is taking everything in my being to do. I have a great desire to turn this into a lesson on Venn Diagrams and disjoint events, but that's not the point today so I'm turning off the Statistics teacher in me and moving on with my new career as a disease inventor.

I have named this psychological/physical disease Stickwithititos. Stickwithititos is when an individual fails to see tasks through to the end on a regular basis. My current symptoms can be seen in losing weight, various crafts and projects around the house, my career, exercise programs and the list goes on. I know these symptoms are common and that many others must also suffer from Stickwithititos. But why??

I recently read an article in Parade Magazine about getting over a breakup. Now I have absolutely no reason to need advice in that area, but I always read Parade Magazine. My love for it started as a child reading the Ask Marilyn column where people write in to ask questions of and try to stump one of the smartest women in the world. In my geeky world, she is the epitome of coolness.

The article suggested that to get over a breakup you should start a new hobby. It went on to discuss the relationship between starting a new hobby and the increase of endorphin releases at the early stages of doing that new hobby. This gave a person who was sad over their breakup something new to focus on and a good release of endorphins. Made great scientific sense to me and led me to understanding a little better that as activities continue, the endorphin release became less and it was just not as appealing. So essentially, a person with Stickwithititos is an endorphin junky.

I then examined what I have been great at sticking with over the years. Reading is at the top. I am an avid reader, not just of Parade Magazine, but of almost anything. While I have continued reading without fail for years, my choice in what I read changes regularly. I'll go on a mystery kick, then history, biographies, contemporary fiction, fantasy and back and forth and on and on. I'll read almost anything as long as it isn't too smutty. I believe the start of a new book gives me the endorphin rush I long for.

Another area where I have had some recent success with overcoming my Stickwithititos is in my current exercise routine. I was wondering why Baby Boot Camp has held my attention for so long. I think the answer is that the classes are in different places throughout the week and there are different instructors. You also have the social aspect where you can see your friends, but it is a thrill each time to see who will be there. While exercise can provide an endorphin rush, I personally need more to keep me going and I'm thrilled to have found it.

Now, moving forward, how can I use this knowledge to overcome my Stickwithititos? The answer seems to be in keeping newness to the daily grind. Not becoming so remote and mechanical in my daily activities that I can't find something new and exciting about them. It occurs to me that I might even be able to make my new job of cooking and cleaning fun if I don't force too many routines into it.

We shall see... I'll keep you blogged.

Please like Kindness Closet of Facebook and check out our current auctions on eBay.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rethinking Date Night

Don't hate me because I have free babysitters almost whenever I need them. That is just an added benefit of living near both my very generous parents and in-laws. Not to mention also living near other very helpful family members like my Grandmother-in-law and brother.

While having this built village makes date nights much easier and less expensive, it does not change the cost of the date night itself. Our recent choice to cut our income in favor of more time caused a huge hit to the wallet that funded these date nights. There are just no longer funds for even your basic dinner and a movie that could easily run us at least $50.

At church on Sunday (Faith Fellowship) our Pastor and his wife were absent. They were setting a wonderful example for us of taking time out for your spouse. That reminded me that we cannot let a sparse bank account keep us from making each other a priority.

We were blessed Sunday night to be able to attend a wedding. That is probably one of my favorite kind of date nights and assuming you aren't opposed to wearing something you already own and the ceremony is close to home, the only cost is a gift which you would probably want to give to the new couple whether or not your were going to the wedding. But how often do we get to go to a local wedding? Not often enough for sure.

We discovered a stay-home-with-the-kids date night recently. Sounds impossible, huh? Well, I can't classify it as a full fledged date night and we did have to break some of our personal rules to make it happen, but it was very nice. Almost very night we eat dinner as a family at the dining room table (not formal, mind you.) On the occasional weekend night we will eat in the family room and watch a movie together. On Saturday night, we set up the movie and got ready for our casual family room dinner when Chris and I decided the two of us would eat in the dining room alone (actually, with the baby, but she doesn't interrupt us yet). We broke 2 "rules" here. 1. Not eating as a family and 2. Letting the TV be the babysitter. BUT, it worked. We ate an un-interrupted meal and it was wonderful. Not something we will do often, but it was a great way to have a date night.

To come up with some other ideas for simplified date nights I try to imagine what couples in the pre-technology age did for dates and put a modern twist on them if necessary. Chris and I love studying the Bible together but have a hard time finding time. So I imagine we could pack up a picnic and head to the beach for a walk and some reading time together. If we can finagle a day-time date then we could even ride our bikes to the beach. In fact, a good date day could simply be a bike ride together. Little cost at all if you bring your own food and drinks. And there are plenty of places to ride in the Burg. Fort Desoto has a beautiful trail and you can park before the park entrance and bike into the park avoiding the new $5 toll.

Now, you will call me crazy for this one. Date night PTA meeting. We have to go to them anyway so why not make them fun. We can sit in the back of the auditorium and pretend we are in college meeting in class. As the Whines get older we will have three kids at three different schools. That will make for many PTA date nights.

Dinners out will not be something we can enjoy as often as we used to for sure. There are some great deals with Groupon, Living Social and that make them a bit more manageable. Just be careful to look at the fine print so you go when your vouchers are valid.

One final idea is group date nights. The Baby Boot Camp St. Pete moms and their hubbies recently had a bowling date night. By going in a group, you get a group discount. This also gave the daddies and great opportunity to see who we've been hanging out with so much.

Unfortunately I was unable to finish this blog before picking Whine 2 up from school. Within 30 minutes of being home she smeared makeup remover all over the bathroom and herself, crushed the crackers on Whine 3's tray, almost broke the refrigerator trying to close the door with the produce drawer still open and told me the complete stories of Winter the dolphin and Rapunzel.

Now, I am definitely ready for a date night!!

Please like Kindness Closet on Facebook and  check out our eBay auctions.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Home Town Girl Living in a Whine and Cheese World

Everyone in the Whine and Cheese household is a native of St. Petersburg. Often people find that unusual as St. Petersburg is often referred as God's waiting room. Both Chris and I have parents from other parts of the country (hence the obsession with the Packers and Alabama Football). Many people come to St. Petersburg to vacation but "couldn't imagine living there". For many of the same reasons people come here, we choose to keep this our home. Here are some of our favorite Hometown sites:

St. Petersburg Pier (soon to be redone)
The Vinoy Hotel
This was a mysterious abandoned building when I was a child that was renovated in  the 90's.
Chris and I had our wedding reception at the Vinoy's Golf Club.

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge
All natives (born before 1980) know where they were when the original bridge collapsed.

Home of the Tampa Bay Rays!
The outdoor stadium is where they used to have Spring Training games. In the far back is the indoor stadium for regular season.
There are thousands of reasons people come from far and wide to visit St. Petersburg and natives choose to stay. However, it's supporting the local businesses that will help keep St. Petersburg a beautiful place to visit and live in. 

Some favorite local businesses:

Kindness Closet is our family online business. Please like us on Facebook! 

Baby Boot Camp is a fantastic workout option for moms. My first class I had to  sit out parts but 9 months later I completed a half-marathon
The Westy is truly a local hangout. Great food and wonderful atmosphere. Perfect for the entire family.

What are some of your favorite local places and activities?? Mention them in the comments and I'll try to feature them in future blogs.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Half-Huriliathon turns into a Half-Marathon!!

So the title pretty much gives the ending away, but I'm just too excited to contain myself!

Let me start at the beginning of the re-commitment I made to improving my overall health shortly after Hope was born. I purchased a Living Social deal to attend Baby Boot Camp classes and started those in May. I also at that time signed up for my first 5K race, the Inaugural Police Appreciation Run in honor of the three fallen officers. I attended my first couple of BBC classes and then went to the 5K. I walked most of that race and was wiped out at the end of it. My time for that 5K was 50:51; averaging 16:24 per mile. Not great, but I was thrilled to have my first 5K under my belt and a time to improve on. In fact, I had such a great time at that race that about a week later I registered for the Rock-n-Roll Half-Marathon. As one of the first registrants I qualified for an extra discount. I knew I had to jump on it or miss my savings opportunity. After all, it was only May and I had until February to prepare for it.

I continued attending BBC classes and in July, one of the BBC instructors, Katie, decided to start a running group for beginners. We were following the couch-2-5K program and I did fine for the first 3-4 weeks but then I found I just couldn't keep up. I kept going, but at my own pace. I participated in a couple of other 5K events. My favorite was an un-official Turkey Trot with the IRunMommiesSt.Petersburg. Their motto is "No Mommy Left Behind" and it's true! Even being the slowest on in the group I'm still a part of the team and have running company, support and cheerleaders.

Although I never ran an entire 5K, my times continued to improve with a walk/jog combination. I decided to sign up for a 10K to have that practice before the half-marathon. I completed the St. Pete Beach Classic 10K and had very mixed emotions afterwards. I did great, for me, with a time of 1:31:01. The discouragement came in that the race took everything I had and I placed 322 out of 324. This was on January 14th. Knowing that the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon was less than 1 month away and I would have to race more than twice a 10K distance, I just could not see the possibility of it. That day I decided I would not do the RNR, but would wait and do my first half-marathon later in the year.

A couple of weeks ago I posted on Facebook that my RNR entry was for sale. Much to my surprise and dismay, there were no takers. People were asking what my plans were and I just didn't know. The race was getting closer and closer and as I read through the info I saw that if you didn't get to certain places by certain times then you would be detoured. Aha - there was my solution! I would not do a half-marathon, I would do a half-huriliathon. Phew - without the pressure of having to complete 13.1 miles in under 4 hours and with no body willing to buy my entry from me, I was set to go to do my best and complete as much as I could.

Two days before the race I picked up my packet and even splurged on some sport beans for some added energy during the race.

On Sunday morning I rose bright and early. I hadn't gotten all the sleep I wanted because Whine 3 was lonely during the night. But it was okay because all I had to do was show up and walk. I met up with the IRunMommies and the energy level was amazing! Although we were all FREEZING in the 25-35 degree wind chill. 

The race began at 7:30 but since I was in the 11th corral, I didn't cross the start line until a little after 7:45.

So I take off walking (not jogging or running for I knew I had to conserve my energy).  I passed the 5K mark and later the 10K mark and I was doing fine. Once I passed the 7 mile mark I was in new territory. I began counting down the miles until I could call my family. The plan was for me to call them at mile 10 and they would come cheer me on for the last 5K. Low and behold, at about 7.5 miles I received a text that the Whines and Cheese were already there and waiting for me at mile 11. I figured I would see them in just under an hour if I really pushed it. I chomped down on some Sport Beans and kept on going. I got to the St. Petersburg Pier and after I had gone down, around and was just turning off of it I saw the End Wagon following the last person. I couldn't believe I was that far ahead. My thinking was that at any time I would be detoured. 

Well, with super achy feet I finally reached the family at mile 11 and had just 2 miles to go. I could just picture myself collapsing after the finish line. I had made it so far and was determined now not to get detoured. I just had to keep going and I did. 

As it turned out, I never got detoured and completed the full 13.1 miles in 3:33:20. That is an average 16:17 minute miles. That is faster than pace I had in my first 5K. And what I thought was going to be a half-Huriliaton turned out to be a full-fledged Half-Marathon and I DID IT!!

Now, for the daily giggle.

On the way home from the race Chris told the kids to take a rest so they could play with friends when they got home. Jayna replies, "Daddy, you do realize I'm sitting up, don't you? To rest I have to lay down." 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Exercise is better than a Neti Pot

Since Monday was my first official day as a Stay-at-Home mama, it rightly follows that Monday was the beginning of a pretty bad cold. During my working days when I'd be sick I would call in for a substitute, take the kids to school and go back home to bed. Even having Hope home with me for the last (almost) year wasn't a problem because we napped well together. But now as I embark on my new career, I realize I have no more sick days. So out came the Neti Pot, my trusty ole clear the sinus friend. I never imagined poring something up my nose would have such wonderful consequences.

This brings us to our first math lesson of the day:

But, alas, a new discovery was made today. Consider this mathematical statement:

That's right, I've learned that an hour of Baby Boot Camp with Christie Bruner cleared my sinuses better than the Neti Pot. I almost didn't go to class today but since I missed all week due to this cold, I was determined to make it and just do my best. My best not only got me a great work out, but I CAN BREATH!!!  My shoulders and biceps may cry foul due to this latest workout, but in the long run (which we did in class also) the entire body greater benefited. 

Now for the daily laugh:

Jayna: Mama, when I'm grown up and can drive, will you go with me to the Dollar Store to buy lots of money? 
Christian: Jayna, you don't buy money at the Dollar Store, you buy it at the bank.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome to Living with Whine and Cheese

Me? Writing? On purpose?!?! No way! I'm a Mathematician. I majored in Math just so I could avoid writing papers. I taught Math so I wouldn't have to grade them.

So what am I doing here??

I'm at a huge crossroads in my life. No, I'm not going back to college, getting married, having a baby or anything like that. I've done all of those things and now I've walked away from my career as a teacher (maybe temporarily, who knows??) to do ....

Not exactly sure yet. So, I'll take care of my family and start a blog.

Here is the family:

Meet Marlena, Chris, Christian Jr, Jayna Lynn and Hope Elizabeth. Also known as the Queen, Cheesehead, Whine 1, Whine 2 and Whine 3.

Please join me on this journey that will take us through the trials of motherhood, the joys of Faith, and the quest to live a healthier, simpler life.