Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Miss it... I Miss it not

Going from a two salary household to a one salary household has required some creative cuts to our spending. Some things we have changed have gone completely unnoticed while others I will admit to missing (but not enough!).

I Miss it...

* Cleaning Help: For one year we had a wonderful woman come and clean our home every other week. It was a huge blessing that is dearly missed. I thoroughly enjoy being able to serve my family by keeping up with the housework, but I haven't quite figured out how to get it all done.

* My daily IM chats with my FLVS girls. They kept me grounded and laughing and I miss them dearly. I no longer have enough computer time to chat, write blogs and keep up with Kindness Closet

* Going out to eat. This was our biggest cut back. We are not fast food people but would frequently find ourselves at our favorite restaurants. We especially miss frequent trips to The Westy where everybody there really does know our name (and not just because we are often fussing at the kids to keep it down and be still).

I Miss it not...

* Cable TV: I had expected to happily miss this but as it turns out, there is nothing to miss. With an antennae that brings in about 50 channels and $8 a month for Hulu Plus, we have everything we did with cable including a great substitute for the DVR. (We've never figured out how to get the kids to bed in time to catch our favorite shows.)

* Haircuts for the guys: While they may miss this - especially as Barber Andy has been cutting three generations of Morrison Men on a regular basis - we have found that an inherited set of clippers gets the job done just fine. I'm still fine tuning my skills; especially the Rayhawk, but overall my men are looking good!

* Paper plates: We had an un-healthy habit of using paper plates pretty much all of the time. I have rediscovered the dishes I received as wedding gifts and love using them again. 

* 20 pounds: I definitely do not miss the 20 pounds I have lost since  resigning my online teaching position. While much credit is due to the MOLO Challenge (Mother Love Fitness Challenge), I'm sure that not sitting in front of the computer all day helps also.

This is just the beginning of the miss it / miss it not list that I've been compiling the last 2 1/2 months. I'm sure there are many things yet to discover.

Please help support our family business. Kindness Closet is on eBay and Facebook.

Join me for a great workout with the baby.

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