Sunday, March 25, 2012


Warning, this post will not include pictures as we prefer to clean in our underwear due to the intense heat with which we live and the frugal nature with which we run our air conditioning.

Like most families a regular struggle in our home is getting the kids to pick up their rooms. Our oldest two share two rooms. One is their bedroom and the other is their playroom. We like that it creates separate sleeping and playing areas and promotes a sharing spirit. However, it does make it difficult at pick up time to determine who should be picking up what messes. We've tried letting them figure it out for themselves, but the fact is they need help. We've given them each a room to clean or each a side of a room to clean. We've set timers, set up reward systems and threatened consequences. All to no avail. One Saturday morning Whines 1 and 2 were told they could not go play with their friends until their rooms were cleaned. They were in those rooms all day except for meals and bathroom breaks and still went to bed that night with a mess. We've tried daily pick up so it doesn't get too bad, but frankly we just don't have time for that on most days. So one of my biggest dreads each week is pick up day. 

Last Thursday was pick up day. The kids were told I'd be vacuuming on Friday and would throw away or give away any of their toys that got in my way. On Friday morning as they were leaving for school (and the rooms were still a mess) Whine 1 proposed a deal. He said that if I would clean their rooms without a garbage back then they would clean all three bathrooms after school. I pointed out that would include showers and toilets and they were both on board. Now neither of them have ever cleaned a bathroom and I knew I would have to supervise that task, but it still sounded like a good plan.

While they were at school I got their rooms done (and was able to clear out some junk they will never miss) and when they got home, they were more than happy to get started on their new chore. We did the first bathroom together and then they did the  second two on their own. Now, they aren't perfect, but them main parts are done and they are passable. Best of all, I didn't have to do it and they worked together as a team without arguing (for the most part).

I'm not expecting to pass on the toilet brush for good, but it sure is nice to know that they are each capable of a new household task. We all get bored completing the same jobs day after day so if changing it up makes it better, I'll be more than happy to share the household duties to make that happen. 

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